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Annekatrin Baumann Designer for individual riddles and logic puzzles

Annekatrin Baumann

author, creator and designer of logic puzzles, games and mysteries

New releases


Tatort Game

Chat-based crime game with the Stuttgart crime scene detectives and escape puzzles.


24 days escape

Sherlock Holmes and the Scottish Sea Monster


Advent calendar in book form with 24 escape puzzles

Game Show

Democracy on Fire

The game show “Democracy on Fire” is a new format for communicating politics.

tatort Game Rätselspiel

Tatort Game

Chat-based crime game with the Stuttgart crime scene detectives and escape puzzles.


Tatort Game

Chat-based crime game with the Stuttgart crime scene detectives and escape puzzles.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-26 um 17.18.06.png

Paranormal Connectivity

Riddle concepts for the interactive webseries of vodafone Germany for TikTok

About me

Annekatrin Baumann riddle designer and writer

Innovative and surprising puzzle mechanics whose solutions are still logical are my passion.


I create individual and thematically appropriate puzzles and riddles in the escape room and brain teaser style.

As an author, I like to embed my puzzles and riddles in exciting and atmospheric stories. As a studied media engineer, I design and work in and for various media. This is also reflected in the different riddle products that I have already been able to contribute to: riddle books, Advent calendars, interactive apps and puzzle experiences in letter form.

I look forward to any contact and possible joint projects.

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Puzzle mechanics and services

Riddle mechanics and sercives of a riddle designer


Logo der Logika Rätselbuch Serie

Extensive puzzle books, each with 52 different puzzles in the escape room style.

Logo of the Crime Letter Adventscalender

The customizable puzzle Advent calendar in the form of 24 letters.

tatort logo for the Tatort GAME Project
tatort game

Interactive puzzle experience in which the Stuttgart crime scene investigators are supported in a criminal case.




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2023, Stuttgart, Annekatrin Baumann, images and content: CC-BY-ND unless otherwise noted

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